Save & Load Game is managed in the Game State and there in AC_GS_Interaction.
For all interactables you can define whether they should be relevant for save game or not (in AC_MakeInteractable or DT_InteractableFoliage). It makes sense to save interactables that you can damage or that you can destroy on interaction. However it might not make sense to save interactables that are persistent at their location and that you cannot destroy.
The variable is called RelevantForSaveGame.
Here is an example how you can test Save & Load Game by pressing keys. It is inside the player controller:
If your game is multiplayer these functions must be called by the server.
Regarding foliage destruction, it does not completely work to Load the Game later in game (so not at the beginning). Because if you destroy foliage instances and afterwards load the game it wonβt add the just removed foliage instances again. So if you load the game it will only destroy the foliage that was destroyed last time when saving the game. So in short, if your game does have save game relevant foliage only Load the Game at the beginning while you can save it whenever you want.
Also not all data of an interactable actor will be saved but if you want to save more specific data you can expand S_InteractablesSaveData with more variables and add the data here:
Then in AC_MakeInteractable -> Receive Load Game Data Server you need to apply the data.