This is if the interaction should not have an effect on the actor that a player interacted with. But it should have an effect on another actor. For example you interact with a button but it opens a door.
In your interactable actor you need the OnInteractedServer event (you see in the Replicated multiplayer interaction section of this documentation how to get it). Then add a new variable to your interactable actor with the type actor and make it public (either click on the eye or set Instance Editable to true). Then in your map you can select the interactable actor and in the details tab you can select another actor that is in the map:
Now go back to your interactable actor and execute the on redirected interaction function (message):
In the other actor where the interaction effect should happen you need to go to Class Settings and implement the BPI_RedirectInteraction interface:
In there you then can implement BPI_RedirectedInteraction as an event. You can check BP_AlarmSiren as an example for that. The interaction was done in BP_SkeletalInteractable. Here it uses Interaction Denied Server because this interactable denies all interactions but if your actor does not deny interaction you can use OnInteractedServer.