First of all you need to go to the Class Defaults of the interactable actor and make sure that Replicates is set to true. Then you can select inside the actor BP_MakeInteractable and in its details scroll down where you find these events that you can add:
They are already called on the server which is perfect to replicate to all players.
These events can call for example another Mutlicast event - for example check BP_RefillDressersBuzzer. Here Multicast is a good choice because it triggers only once for all current players. Multicasts are good for one time effects like the button animation.
But if the actor should change its state you should go with a variable set to repnotify.
So, also players who join the server later will load the value of the variable and experience the current state - for example you can check BP_InteractableCube or BP_InteractableCampfire for that.