Go to the folder NiceInteractionSystem->UI and duplicate one of the widgets WB_InteractionStyle_Flat or WB_InteractionStyle_Survival. Make sure that you are not duplicating WB_InteractionInfo_Master.
WB_InteractionInfo_Master is handling all different style widgets, open this widget class and add to the WidgetSwitcher the new widget that you made in step 1.
In WB_InteractionInfo_Master go to the Graph where you have to adjust all functions now. These functions are basically updating different values inside the custom style widgets.
Starting with the first function PlayShowAnimation_Master you can see that it is only implemented for the Survival Style widget. So for each function you have to decide if this is anything that is even necessary for your widget. Other functions in WB_InteractionInfo_Master are essential and should be implemented for your widget as for example Update_UI_InteractionInfo_Master where the implementation of your new widget could look like this:
To get a new pin with your style for the Switch node there was a new entry added to E_InteractionWidgetStyle which is in: NiceInteractionSystem->Blueprints->Enumerations Also in order to have your new style widget available as a variable in the Event Graph make sure to set Is Variable to true in the Design tab while selecting this widget:
Take a look also at other functions where you might want to implement it for your new widget style as well as for example SetInteractionPercent_Master, UpdateHitPoints_Master or DirectlyUpdateHP_inWidget_Master.
You can customize your widget that you created in step 1.